from visual import * import math import random import numpy from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.lines as mlines # TODO: have max speed allowable for making putt #------------------------------------------------global constants------------------------------------------- M = .045 # golf ball about .045 kg G = 9.8 # acceleration of gravity MU = .04 # rough estimate for coefficient of friction HOLE_RADIUS = .054 # radius of hole in m #-----------------------------------------------classes for models------------------------------------------- """A 3D model of a surface. The user can pick from several predefined models, defined by the Type enum.""" class Green_Map(object): """Enum for selecting partial derivatives.""" class Partial(object): X = 0 Y = 1 """Enum for the type of surface to generate.""" class Type(object): PLANE = 1 STEEP_PLANE = 2 CENTRAL_HILL = 3 BOWL = 4 RIDGE = 5 STEP = .01 # each point is .01 m apart z_vals = numpy.empty((900, 900)) # 2-D array for 9m x 9m surface """Generate the specified surface. Param: choice - the model to generate """ def __init__(self, choice): max_x = self.z_vals.shape[0] max_y = self.z_vals.shape[1] if choice == self.Type.PLANE: # plane z = y/9 for i in range(max_x): for j in range(max_y): self.z_vals[i][j] = j/float(max_x) elif choice == self.Type.STEEP_PLANE: # plane z = 4y/9 for i in range(max_x): for j in range(max_y): self.z_vals[i][j] = j/(float(max_x)/4.0) elif choice == self.Type.CENTRAL_HILL: # z = 1/(1+r^2) center = vector(max_x/2.0*self.STEP, max_y/2.0*self.STEP, 0.0) for i in range(max_x): for j in range(max_y): current = vector(i*self.STEP, j*self.STEP, 0) self.z_vals[i][j] = 1.0/(1.0 + mag2(center-current)) elif choice == self.Type.BOWL: # z = .025r^2 center = vector(max_x/2.0*self.STEP, max_y/2.0*self.STEP, 0.0) for i in range(max_x): for j in range(max_y): current = vector(i*self.STEP, j*self.STEP, 0) self.z_vals[i][j] = .025*mag2(center-current) elif choice == self.Type.RIDGE: # z = y^(1/3) max_delta = .1 for i in range(max_x): for j in range(max_y): y = (j-max_x/2.0)/float(max_x/2.0) if abs(y) < .001: y = .001 self.z_vals[i][j] = abs(y)**(1/3.0)*abs(y)/y else: raise ValueError("Invalid choice.") """Returns a random number within delta of the given value.""" def randrange(self, num, delta): min_val = num-delta return 2*delta*random.random() + min_val """Adds a scatter plot of the surface to the given axes. Param: ax - the Axes3D object to plot the graph on graph_step - how many points to skip while graphing """ def graph(self, ax, graph_step): size = self.z_vals.size/(int(graph_step**2 + .5)) X = numpy.empty(size) for i in range(size): X[i] = i/(self.z_vals.shape[0]/graph_step) * graph_step * self.STEP Y = numpy.empty(size) for i in range(size): Y[i] = i%(self.z_vals.shape[1]/graph_step) * graph_step * self.STEP Z = numpy.empty(size) for i in range(0, self.z_vals.shape[0], graph_step): for j in range(0, self.z_vals.shape[1], graph_step): Z[i + j/graph_step] = self.z_vals[i][j] ax.scatter(X, Y, Z, color='g', marker='o') """Return the value of the partial derivative with respect to the given variable at the given position (x,y). Param: var - the variable to take the partial with respect to pos - a vector Return: df/dx or df/dy """ def partial(self, var, pos): retval = 0 if var == self.Partial.X: x = pos[0] z1 = self.get(pos) z2 = self.get((x+self.STEP, pos[1])) retval = (z2-z1)/self.STEP elif var == self.Partial.Y: y = pos[1] z1 = self.get(pos) z2 = self.get((pos[0], y+self.STEP)) retval = (z2-z1)/self.STEP return retval """Get the z-value at the given position (x,y). Param: pos - a vector Return: f(x, y) """ def get(self, pos): x = int(pos[0]*1/self.STEP +.5) y = int(pos[1]*1/self.STEP +.5) return self.z_vals[x][y] """Get a vector at the given position (x,y).""" def get_vec(self, pos): return vector(pos[0], pos[1], self.get(pos)) """Gets an upward normal vector to the surface at (x,y). The z component is guaranteed to be 1. Param: pos - a vector Return: the normal vector <-df/dx, -df/dy, 1> """ def up_normal(self, pos): return vector(-self.partial(Green_Map.Partial.X, pos), -self.partial(Green_Map.Partial.Y, pos), 1) """A class that represents the correct path to the hole.""" class Path(object): X = [] Y = [] Z = [] """Initializes a new path object.""" def __init__(self): self.X = [] self.Y = [] self.Z = [] """Adds a point to this path. Param: r - a vector """ def add_point(self, r): self.X.append(r[0]) self.Y.append(r[1]) self.Z.append(r[2]) """Adds a line graph of this path to the given axes. Param: ax - the Axes3D object to plot the path on """ def graph(self, ax): ax.plot(self.X, self.Y, self.Z, color='k') #------------------------------------------------simulation------------------------------------------- """The simulation!""" def main(): surf_options = ("Exit", "Plane", "Steep plane", "Central hill", "Bowl", "Ridge") debug_options = ("None", "Show error (recommended)", "Show plots", "Everything... grab some popcorn") choice = display_menu("\nSelect a surface type:", surf_options) while choice != 0: # create surface print "\nGenerating 9m x 9m surface..." green_map = Green_Map(choice) # get start and end positions print "\nChoose start and end positions on interval (0, 9)." start_x = get_input("x coordinate of start: ", 0, 9) start_y = get_input("y coordinate of start: ", 0, 9) end_x = get_input("x coordinate of end: ", 0, 9) end_y = get_input("y coordinate of end: ", 0, 9) # get debug level debug = display_menu("\nChoose level of debug info:", debug_options) # run simulation print "\nRunning simulation..." fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # init graph speed, direction = find_path(green_map, ax, vector(start_x, start_y, 0), vector(end_x, end_y, 0), debug) # display results print "\nRequired speed (m/s):", speed print "Required direction (degrees CCW from straight line to hole):", direction print "Close graph to continue..." # again? choice = display_menu("\nSelect a surface type:", surf_options) """Displays a menu and returns the user's choice.""" def display_menu(message, options): print message i = 0 for s in options: print '\t' + str(i) + " - " + s i += 1 choice = int(raw_input("Choice: ")) return choice """Gets user input, which must be between the given values.""" def get_input(message, min_val, max_val): x = float(raw_input(message)) while x < min_val or x > max_val: print x, "is not between", min_val, "and", max_val print "Shame on you." x = float(raw_input(message)) return x """Tries various initial speeds and starting directions until it finds a path that gets the ball within the radius of the hole. It only considers the path in 2D, since the z-value at every (x, y) position has to be a point on the surface. Param: green_map - 3-D model of the surface ax - the Axes3D object to use for plotting r0 - the starting position, a vecotr rf - the position of the hole, a vector debug - int inidicating how much information to print Return: v0 - the required initial speed direction - the required starting direction (in degrees CCW from a straight-line path to the hole """ def find_path(green_map, ax, r0, rf, debug): # get rough initial estimate for speed v0 = estimate_speed(green_map, r0, rf) debug_init(green_map, v0, r0, rf, debug) num_resets = 0 # used if simulation has trouble finding path # start simulation direction = 0.0 # first try direction toward hole error, was_long, missed_right, path, reset = try_path(green_map, r0, rf, v0, direction, debug) last_was_long = was_long last_missed_right = missed_right speed_step = v0/20.0 # init increment for changing speed if was_long: # make speed increment negative if putt went too far speed_step *= -1 direction_step = 1.0 # init increment for changing direction (1 degree CCW) if not missed_right: # make direction increment negative (CW) if putt missed to left direction_step *= -1 debug_find_path(green_map, r0, rf, path, error, was_long, missed_right, speed_step, direction_step, debug) # refine estimate until ball would go in hole while error > HOLE_RADIUS: # check if the ball missed in a different way, if so switch direction and decrease step if was_long != last_was_long: # reverse speed increment speed_step /= -10.0 if missed_right != last_missed_right: # reverse direction increment direction_step /= -10.0 # increment speed, direction v0 += speed_step direction += direction_step # try a new path last_was_long = was_long last_missed_right = missed_right error, was_long, missed_right, path, reset = try_path(green_map, r0, rf, v0, direction, debug) debug_find_path(green_map, r0, rf, path, error, was_long, missed_right, speed_step, direction_step, debug) # check if simulation needs to be reset if reset or abs(speed_step) < 1.0e-3 or abs(direction_step) < 1.0e-3: # simulation failed, try again num_resets += 1 v0 = estimate_speed(green_map, r0, rf)*(2**(num_resets)) # try again with greater v0 direction = 0.0 # start by trying direction toward hole error, was_long, missed_right, path, reset = try_path(green_map, r0, rf, v0, direction, debug) last_was_long = was_long last_missed_right = missed_right speed_step = v0/20.0 # init increment for changing speed if was_long: # make speed increment negative if putt went too far speed_step *= -1 direction_step = 1.0 # init increment for changing direction (1 degree) if not missed_right: # make direction increment negative (CW) if putt missed to left direction_step *= -1 if debug > 0: print "reset..." debug_find_path(green_map, r0, rf, path, error, was_long, missed_right, speed_step, direction_step, debug) # update graph plot_hole(ax, green_map, r0, rf) # add start and stop positions to graph green_map.graph(ax, 30) # add the surface to the graph path.graph(ax) # add the path the ball took to the graph ax.set_zlim3d(-4.5, 4.5) ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_zlabel('z') # done! return v0, direction """Estimates the initial speed needed to reach the hole from the given starting position. Param: green_map - 3D model of surface r0 - start position vector rf - position vector of hole Return: an initial speed estimate """ def estimate_speed(green_map, r0, rf): # E0 + Wfric = Ef # K0 + Wfric = Ugf # .5*M*v0^2 = MG(zf-z0) + MU*M*G*D # .5*v0^2 = G(zf-z0) + MU*G*D # v0 = sqrt(2G(zf-zo) + 2MU*G*D) # where D is distance between r0 and rf distance = mag(rf - r0) z0 = green_map.get(r0) zf = green_map.get(rf) v0squared = 2*G*(zf-z0) + 2*MU*G*distance if (v0squared < 0): return .1 else: return math.sqrt(v0squared) """Tries a path and runs until the ball starts moving away from the hole (after which it has no chance of going in). Param: green_map - 3D model of surface r0 - start position vector rf - position vector of hole v0 - initial speed direction - initial direction, in degrees CCW from straight-line path debug - int describing level of debug information to print Return: error - the minimum distance the ball passed to the hole was_long - boolean indicating if the ball went past the hole missed_right - boolean indicating if the ball missed on the right side path - the Path object representing the path the ball travelled reset - boolean indicating whether the simulation needs to be reset (true if direction doesn't point toward the hole) """ def try_path(green_map, r0, rf, v0, direction, debug): # init path vars r = vector(r0[0], r0[1], r0[2]) # current displacement rnet = rf - r0 # displacement vector from start to hole path = Path() path.add_point(green_map.get_vec(r)) # init velocity vector dir_vec = norm(rnet) # unit vector toward hole dir_vec = rotate(dir_vec, radians(direction), green_map.up_normal(r0)) # rotate v = v0 * dir_vec # scale direction vector to get velocity # init distance vars current_dist_to_hole = mag(rnet) # current distance from hole min_dist_to_hole = current_dist_to_hole # closest distance ball passed to hole dist_to_hole = mag(rf-r0) # distance from start to hole total_dist = 0 # displacement of ball from start # init time vars dt = .001 # small time increment # update r, v until ball starts going wrong way moving_toward = dot((rnet), v) > 0 # boolean to track if ball is actually moving toward hole if not moving_toward: # init velocity pointing away from hole, tell simulation to reset return min_dist_to_hole, False, False, path, True while moving_toward: try: v = update_v(green_map, r, v, dt, debug) except IndexError: return min_dist_to_hole, False, False, path, True r = update_r(r, v, dt) current_dist_to_hole = mag(rf - r) total_dist = mag(r-r0) if current_dist_to_hole < min_dist_to_hole: # update minimum dist, if necessary min_dist_to_hole = current_dist_to_hole moving_toward = dot((rf-r), v) > 0 # v still has component toward hole if dot > 0 path.add_point(green_map.get_vec(r)) debug_try_path(direction, v0, v, r, r0, rnet, debug) # get return values was_long = total_dist > dist_to_hole*.99 # check if end displacement is greater than dist to hole missed_right = cross(r-r0, rnet)[2] > 0 # final pos is to right of hole if z-comp of cross product points up return min_dist_to_hole, was_long, missed_right, path, False """Updates the given velocity vector by calculating the net force and then applying an acceleration to the velocity over the time increment. Param: green_map - 3D model of the surface r - the current position vector v - the current velocity vector dt - a small time increment debug - int indicating amount of information to print Return: an updated velocity vector """ def update_v(green_map, r, v, dt, debug): # get direction vector for gravity fx = green_map.partial(Green_Map.Partial.X, (r[0], r[1])) # df/dx fy = green_map.partial(Green_Map.Partial.Y, (r[0], r[1])) # df/dy grav_dir = vector(-fx, -fy, 0) grav_dir = norm(grav_dir) # get direction vector for friction fric_dir = -norm(v) # acts opposite to direction of travel # get angle of inclination up_normal = green_map.up_normal((r[0], r[1])) # updward unit normal vector theta = math.acos(1/mag(up_normal)) # get magnitude of friction force fric_mag = MU*M*G*math.cos(theta) # get magnitude of gravity force grav_mag = M*G*math.sin(theta) # get net force fric_force = fric_mag * fric_dir grav_force = grav_mag * grav_dir fnet = fric_force + grav_force # return new velocity accel = fnet / M v = v + accel*dt v[2] = 0 debug_update_v(green_map, r, v, grav_dir, fric_dir, theta, debug) return v """Updates the given position vector using the time increment and the given instantaneous veolocity. Param: r - current position vector v - current velocity vector dt - small time increment Return: an updated position vector """ def update_r(r, v, dt): return r + v*dt """Plots the start location and end location on the graph. Param: ax - the Axes3D object to plot the hole on green_map - 3D model of the surface r0 - start position vector rf - end position vector """ def plot_hole(ax, green_map, r0, rf): start_vec = green_map.get_vec(r0) # add z-value to position vectors (z=0 initially) end_vec = green_map.get_vec(rf) X1 = [start_vec[0]] Y1 = [start_vec[1]] Z1 = [start_vec[2]] X2 = [end_vec[0]] Y2 = [end_vec[1]] Z2 = [end_vec[2]] ax.scatter(X1, Y1, Z1, color='b', marker='^', s=160) ax.scatter(X2, Y2, Z2, color='r', marker='^', s=160) proxy_artist1 = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='b', marker='^') proxy_artist2 = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='r', marker='^') ax.legend([proxy_artist1, proxy_artist2], ["Start", "End"]) #-----------------------------------------------debug functions------------------------------------------- """Function for debugging the init state of the putt.""" def debug_init(green_map, v0, r0, rf, debug): if debug > 0: print "INIT" print "Start pos", green_map.get_vec(r0) print "End pos", green_map.get_vec(rf) print "Init speed estimate", v0 """Function for debugging find_path.""" def debug_find_path(green_map, r0, rf, path, error, was_long, missed_right, speed_step, direction_step, debug): if debug > 1: print "FIND PATH" print "Error", error print "Was long", was_long print "Missed right", missed_right print "V step", speed_step print "Dir step", direction_step fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') plot_hole(ax, green_map, r0, rf) green_map.graph(ax, 30) ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_zlabel('z') path.graph(ax) ax.set_zlim3d(-4.5, 4.5) elif debug > 0: print "Error", error """Function for debugging try_path.""" def debug_try_path(direction, v0, v, r, r0, rnet, debug): if debug > 2: print "TRY PATH" print "Init direction", direction print "Init speed", v0 print "Final v", v print "Final speed", mag(v) print "Final r", r print "Change in r", r-r0 print "Required change in r", rnet raw_input("Press enter...") """Function for debugging update_v.""" def debug_update_v(green_map, r, v, grav_dir, fric_dir, theta, debug): if debug > 2: print "UPDATE_V" print "r", r print "v", v print "fx", green_map.partial(Green_Map.Partial.X, (r[0], r[1])) print "fy", green_map.partial(Green_Map.Partial.Y, (r[0], r[1])) print "grav dir", grav_dir print "fric dir", fric_dir print "angle of incl", theta raw_input("Press enter...") main()