Lab Procedure

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Kinematics Lab Procedure


1) Gather 3 meter sticks, a launcher, a ball, a ram rod, 2 clamps, a long sheet of paper, some carbon paper, a stopwatch and a buggy


2) Clamp the launcher to the table, set it to 0 degrees off of the horizontal, and measure the height of the launcher with a meter stick


3) Do a trial distance test to find the vicinity where the ball will land, and then lay down a base of white paper with carbon paper on top where you think the ball will land.


4) Proceed with 10 trials measuring the distance the ball travels on the medium setting of the launcher, using the dots left by the carbon paper and a meter stick to aid in showing exactly where the ball hit the ground. Record data, and calculate an average distance


5) Use the height of the launcher, average distance traveled, and a calculated value of t (based on the constant acceleration equation and the height of the launcher) to find Vo of the launcher on its medium setting


6) Record the length and height of the buggy and use these values to approximate the location of the center of mass of the buggy


7) Measure the time it takes the buggy to go two meters over 4 different trials and then find the average. Then use the constant velocity equation, the calculated average time, and the distance traveled of two meters to find to find the constant velocity of the buggy

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